Have long been studied that during his life, people just use less than 10% of the hidden potential in the brain.In fact most people use it in the number of 5%. Then where are the 90%? The answer is the potential waiting to be explored. Last two decades, research on the potential of the human person is a significant increase. A growing number of these methods up to date with the research results that reveal their potential by expanding the potential of the human brain. How is the relationship between potential or potential brain with your life? Realitanya, both have a strong relationship at all. This means that your ability to optimize your brain power will greatly help you to reach your target your success.
Human potential extraordinary terrible. Look at the work
of human potential in the face of this earth. Covering varied disciplines explore the prevalence ofa large universe , the theories of physics and chemistry that escorted the man traveled to the moon, explore the prevalence of outer space, launching a satellite with the ability to read every detail map of the earth full and clear, creating super-sophisticated aircraft, the aircraft over nan forth horrendous, creating super-power submarine, discover internet network who make this world seem to frown seemed like the hand grip. Similarly exploration into thesmall universe of extremely complex and meticulous , these findings in the field of biology, chemistry and micro medical technology that make humans able to create imitation organs which can replace organ function of God's creation that has been corrupted. Economics that can make a huge business empire and strong, combined with social and political knowledge is able to create the prosperity and welfare of the community in various European countries hemisphere. All of the work is the fruit of human potential. First, something that seems to be nature that can not be further converted (diwiradat ), now people are becoming prove themselves capable of making these findings and stunning works. Create a whole eye lens imitation replace the damaged natural lens affected by cataracts, replace the human heart with animals, but with a heart drives a person can survive decades of life.
of human potential in the face of this earth. Covering varied disciplines explore the prevalence ofa large universe , the theories of physics and chemistry that escorted the man traveled to the moon, explore the prevalence of outer space, launching a satellite with the ability to read every detail map of the earth full and clear, creating super-sophisticated aircraft, the aircraft over nan forth horrendous, creating super-power submarine, discover internet network who make this world seem to frown seemed like the hand grip. Similarly exploration into thesmall universe of extremely complex and meticulous , these findings in the field of biology, chemistry and micro medical technology that make humans able to create imitation organs which can replace organ function of God's creation that has been corrupted. Economics that can make a huge business empire and strong, combined with social and political knowledge is able to create the prosperity and welfare of the community in various European countries hemisphere. All of the work is the fruit of human potential. First, something that seems to be nature that can not be further converted (diwiradat ), now people are becoming prove themselves capable of making these findings and stunning works. Create a whole eye lens imitation replace the damaged natural lens affected by cataracts, replace the human heart with animals, but with a heart drives a person can survive decades of life.
Is not the task of others to read, understand, and appreciate the language and knowledge of God's boundless Mahaluas. Is not every have trouble, people always tertantang endeavor to find a way out. It's no wonder when the electronics technology-metaphysics, people have found fine tool tapper existence and the existence of spirit beings that magic naked eye.
The development of human potential would never have grown rapidly, when mental spiritual, mental, mind still shackled by a system of unconscious values. Religion certainly not to dominate even mentally, confining consciousness and freedom of thought, and spiritual tour plaguing human ability. Conversely, when religion is so ideal understood as guidance (street driver) that human performance and potential of thinking able to develop to its full potential, with a directional orientation, useful as lil alamin Blessings , blessings for the universe and all its contents. Role of all religion, not to limit development potential, creativity and human innovation. Unless keeping human innovation not to be misused to make mischief in the land-destruction. For example, if you believe that God is rabbul alamin the dynamite will not be used to kill them, but to create the energy utilized for the welfare of the people, and protect and preserve the grace of God be within nature.
Unimaginable when humans can utilize the potential of a larger scale, to achieve only 50% of it. Seberapapun let reason and virulence potential of human progress such as the example above, the fact that 90% of the still latent potential in ourselves and left simply wasted. then our job is able to open, dig, identify, develop, and exploit their potential more better than today. Not to pursue personal interests, but to achieve the more important advantages, ie the meaning of the rabbul alamin , by leveraging our lives so useful for all creatures.
To expand the potential in themselves, there are three main elements in the human personality must be understood. The third element is crucial to the potential success and be the determining factor of a person:
Belief Systems : An factors that determine patterns of thought (mind set). Belief system includes a set of values, something that is considered valuable, trusted everything, and everything was right.
Think patterns (mind set) or Bring : also called systems thinking is the deciding factor of a system behavior or personality (behavior).Determine how a person takes or define an action. Mindset will determine the response to everything that happens in the self ( inner world ) as well as the social environment and the natural environment.
System behavior / Personality (behavior) or Solah : are the factors that determine the layout determining how to interact or act against the outside world, its environment, or all of the events in the self and social environment.Belief system and mindset accommodated in memory environment unconscious . Seemed unconscious stockpile or a database that stores a lot of potential. Unconscious nature can emerge in emergency situations and to work spontaneously. For that to know what's subconscious?
Unconscious does not mean that there is no consciousness. Rather, it is precisely that is where high level of awareness ( high consciousness ) is located. 's just how nature called because the subconscious mind is the conscious mind we assess that yet understand consciousness of our own unconscious . Once you have successfully optimize environmentally unconscious, then the subconscious mind is no longer available, environmentally conscious mind because you have to be aware of what environmental requirements unconscious. Based on measurements by an instrument called Electro-encepalograph and performance measuring device eletronis other brain, the brain basically has 4 Phase Wave namelyCrystal, Alpha, Theta , and Delta.
Phase of brain waves at a frequency / Cyclon 12-40 Hz / Second. At which point you are very active as you chat, do something, nervous / anxious or other active state. We are absolutely necessary if we should think about a few things at once, but not if we want to absorb information quickly.
Phase of brain waves at a frequency / Cyclon 12-8 Hz / Second. Full brain creativity phase, in which the brain in a more relaxed state. This phase is very good to learn, absorb the information, do the therapy, accelerate the healing process, boost immunity, also reduces mental stress and physical-emotional.Meditation is often referred to as a state policy. Alpha phase is the bridge between consciousness Crystal with theta. At the time semedi / meditation you can accurately capture signals transmitted by theta consciousness.
Phase of brain waves at a frequency / Cyclon 8-4 Hz / Second. More brain wave phase in, at which point your meditation or trance. This phase is very nice to auto-sugesti/auto-hypnosis process. In this phase the dream happen, so the technology, which is able to control this phase, you can get a dream "Extra-Sensory Perception" or commonly called clairvoyance / wangsit.Through this phase you can find the right answer for a complex problem and weight. Can find out what actually happened, without having much effort to do research and data collection first.
Phase of brain waves at a frequency / Cyclon 4 to 0.1 Hz / Second. Delta is the last phase of the brain waves and deepest. This condition is obtained when you sleep or coma. By being able to control this phase, you can get a good night's sleep condition and quality. With certain techniques, this phase will connect theta you with Energy Consciousness Astral given from God.Through this phase too, you can create mind energy into matter. Can evenweruh sadurunge winarah .
Can the conscious mind unconscious AWARE?
Brain waves at a frequency Crystal and alpha level is environmentally conscious mind . whereas the frequency of theta and delta calledunconscious nature . Again, it does not mean the absence of brain consciousness / mind. Unless mentioned unconscious, because consciousness delta and theta not been able to be understood by the alpha and beta (conscious mind) . Unconscious function isstockphile or memory cards that accommodate and keep the "ingredients" conscious mind so that treatment outcome was terseleksi by RAS ( reticular Activating System ). While the conscious mind functions as a "production machine" material "so refined" is. Task of treating conscious mind meanings, and screened which is deemed to be worth / value to be included in the realm of the unconscious. Meanwhile RAS way work is as follows:
Data ( stimulant ) processed by the ratio / conscious mind, then went unconscious self through the screening process, named RAS ( reticular Activating System ).
RAS not only receive the materials so the conscious mind. Material so that the conscious mind has been rated as negative material or substance be so positive.
RAS works automatically depending on the condition of the brain waves, thoughts and emotions. RAS function is install the program and uninstalasi to or from the unconscious.
Incident / event-free neutral value. Meanwhile, the value of which is consciousness.The question is, how do we choose a beneficial program, how to determine a positive program. Universal value and positive positive individual worth.Individual programs will be affected positively by the stimulus that comes from outside ourselves. Meanwhile, positive program derived from rahsa universally true that creating a stimulant in the right hemisphere ( spiritual spot ). For example, the universal law of causality of the cause of the beholder Peak (true cause) of all events in the universe is called the Lord (God) or Prima Causa. Something there (Being) but keberadaanya (existence) is not caused by any kind.
Have you ever feel already know ahead of time what became the answers to an incident before the ratio / logic you do the analysis? If so, it means that your subconscious is working. Unconscious work station is of course separate from the work station is nature / consciousness. Until you wonder terkdang own, while aware of your spontaneous decision turns out to be true and accurate but without affecting your ratio analysis comes first. It happened because your subconscious is a high form of consciousness that is not realized by the ratio / environmentally aware you. Speed and his analysis capabilities millions of times faster than the ability of the ratio / natural logic of your own conscious mind. Unconscious already includes data that has been processed into material nature. Required from time to time, in rilek conditions, concentration, silence. Environmental consciousness unconscious, marked with inspiring ideas. When we are accustomed to treating the balance between nature and the unconscious aware, we will be able to think clearly, quickly, accurately, accurately even in stressful situations and critical.
The question then, what are the factors that influence the belief system? Of course it is not self-standing belief system itself, or suddenly there. Here are some of the factors that influence a person's belief system:
Immediate environment such as: families, the elderly, siblings, friends play, social groups, classes, flow / mazab. For example we embrace one religion, not because of choice, but because of chance factors. For example, following the old religion, referred to as religious heritage.Then developed as absolute confidence.
Socio-cultural environment. Covering culture, belief systems, philosophy / outlook on life, sub-culture or people's behavior patterns, social-economic environment such as agrarian, maritime, or industry.
Generalized other. A figure that turned into tau tulada / homemaker models.
Experience the spirit & spiritual level of understanding of each individual.There are two questions that should be a reflection of us:
So from where your subconscious has the most effective teachers to be mentors?
What's the difference between unconscious that utilize the possession of a " real teacher " , to people who rely on the ratio right?
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