The distinctive character of the tribe of Java

Java tribe identified with various attitudes polite, shy, hiding feelings aka do not like direct-direct, 
maintain ethics speak both content and language content words and objects that talk. In everyday nature of Andap Asor, against the older will be in priority, the Java language is the language of stratified, have various levels to suit objects talk.

Javanese generally they prefer to hide feelings. An offer to smooth the sake of ethics and manners a guarded attitude. For example, during a visit and were treated to a dish. The The distinctive character of of a Javanese ethnicity is waiting welcome to taste, even sometimes reluctant attitude is able to resist the will or desire of the heart.

The Javanese are very ethically. Both in attitude and speech. To speak, a younger man should use the Java language that seem more polite smooth.

In contrast to the language used for peer or under the age of. Likewise, the attitude, younger people should be really able to maintain good ethical attitude towards people who are older than himself, in the Java language Ngajeni

Characteristic nrimo ing pandum is one of life concept embraced by the Javanese. These patterns describe the attitude of surrender paced life with all decisions are determined by God. Javanese is believed that this life there are set and can not be challenged for granted.
Every thing that happens in this life is in accordance with the will of the regulator of life. We can not avoid, especially against all that. This is said to be the fate of life. And, the fate of life is the secret of God, we as living beings can not be evasive. Javanese people fully understand the conditions that they believe that God has set everything up.

The pattern of the life of Java is unique. If we try to discover the lifestyle of Java, then there are many positive values that we get. For the Javanese, the Lord has set quota of livelihood for all his creatures, including humans. Every day we see a lot of people are out of the house, as well, a lot of birds out of the nest to make a living. Them out of the house in the morning and evening home with better conditions

Urip Ora Ngoyo

The concept of life nrimo ing pandum (ora ngoyo) further suggests that the Javanese life is not too ambitious. Go with it all to be in the lead. Not to be too ambitious to do something that obviously can not be done. Javanese people do not recommend it.

Life is already flowing in accordance with the corridor. We may accelerate the flow rate, but the rate is not too drastic. The changes are only an improvised us on a better life than before. Javanese people say the term should not ngoyo. Let life take you in accordance with the flow. Do not bring life to your energy!

To the Javanese life and the life was the same as the vehicle. He will bring us to the absolute goal. Javanese people position themselves as passengers. Vehicle or the life that leads them to a better life. They do not bring the vehicle, but was taken by the vehicle.

As the water in the river channel, if they are normal flow, then the conditions are safe and comfortable. But when the flow is forced to large, then the flow of the river is not safe anymore for life. Javanese people understand it that implements the concept of life do not ngoyo. Ngoyo means to force yourself to do something.

If we force ourselves to do something, then it is likely we will experience something less good, for example, we will be sick. The pain occurs because there is coercion of the true power we have.

Another characteristic that can not be left out is the nature of Mutual cooperation or help other people in their environment let alone more subtle nature that when we come to the remote corners of Java tribal area where the attitude of mutual cooperation will always be seen in every facet of life whether it is the atmosphere like and sorrow.

Java is the life pattern has been arranged since the ancestors. Variety of noble values ​​of life are precious heritage noble ancestors. And, we all know it can be a form of reality. How does the existence of the java awake so strong that even today these patterns remain applicable in life.

The pattern of life can we ketemukan cooperation on mutual aid work which are widely applied in the Java community. The Javanese are very uphold a saying: same lightweight portable, bear the same weight. This is the basic concept of living together full awareness and responsibility.

We must admit that the life of Java is so specific. Of the many tribes in Indonesia, even in the world, the Javanese have a different lifestyle. The habit of living in groups led to a sense of themselves so close to each other, thus helping each other is a necessity.

They always give help to others who need help. Even with all the ways they helped someone out of trouble, especially if you or have become friends.

Ngajeni In Older People

And, we can not ignore is the attitude of Javanese life that upholds the positive values of life. In interpersonal interaction in the community, they always keep each other every word and deed not to hurt other people.

They are so appreciative of friendship so that the existence of others is highly valued as something very important. They do not want anyone else or himself suffered heartache or terseinggung by word and deed is done because for the Javanese, ajining diri ono ing lathi, ajining rogo soko Busono meaning, self esteem of his tongue (what he said), the price of clothing body

From various sources
READ MORE - The distinctive character of the tribe of Java

Ki Hajar Dewantara Leadership Doctrine

Ing Ngarso Sung Tulodo, 

Means ngarso are the front / advance, Sun comes from the word meaning Ingsun/ me, Tulodo meaningful role model. So the meaning Ing Ngarso Sung Tulodo is becoming a leader must be able to provide role models for peoples around him. So that must be adhered to by a person is said paragon.

Ing Madyo Mbangun Karso, 

Ing Madyo means in the middle, meaning Mbangun or generates an evocative and Karso interpreted as a form of willingness or intention. So the meaning of the word it is the middle of busy person must also be able to awaken or arouse the spirit. Therefore a person also must be able to provide innovations in their environment by creating an atmosphere that is more kodusif for safety and comfort.

Tut Wuri Handayani,

Tut Wuri means follow from behind and handayani means provide moral support or encouragement. So that means Tut Wuri Handayani is a person must give a moral and morale boost from behind. The morale boost is needed by the people - the people around us motivation and spirit.

So implicitly Ing Ngarso Sung Tulodo, Ing Madyo Mbangun Karso, Tut Wuri Handayani mean someone good figure is in addition to set an example or role model, but also to be able to inspire the spirit and provide moral support from the back so that people - the people around him can feel the situation that good and friendly. So that we can be a useful man in the community.
READ MORE - Ki Hajar Dewantara Leadership Doctrine

Acer Aspire 2920z Black screen

One day I can be patient Acer Aspire 2920z, quite a headache is due to a strange illness following further information:

Power and battery leds blink as soon as I plug adapter
Backlight screen does not light up
when the battery is removed, the result is the same
after browsing there here, finally getting advice like this:
Unplug and remove the battery. Then hold the power button pressed for about 1 minute to discharge static laptop. (O ow ,,, it still be dead, only the lights are flashing)

Dead motherboard. (Hmmmm .... I'm not sure!)
There was a short circuit in the display cable. (Then I Tried external monitor .... it is still the same.)
Power adapter you die and have to replace a new one, (oooo yaaaa .... this does not look like a scar ..)
There is something wrong with the electrical conductors. (I'm almost sure that this is a problem but it does not ...)

A friend told me he had the same problem and he managed to deal with flashing the BIOS. Do not believe it at first, but then that's what I did.
Finally I decided to back the flash BIOS.
first of all I Download the latest BIOS from and not the new site (that includes the ancient versions and no DOS utilities ...)
Download UNetbootin.
Create FreeDOS usb with unetbootin
Copy and paste all the files from the zip you downloaded from Acer to a bootable usb stick just created
Boot your laptop from usb stick and select option 5 when the menu appears FreeDOS
Type a usb stick drive letter (eg F :)
type "dir" to see whether you are in the right drive (you will see the inserted file)
if true, type "phlash16 / x / s / mode = 3 CLD - 114.WPH" to flash the BIOS
wait a few minutes and
Alhamdulillah succeed to ........
READ MORE - Acer Aspire 2920z Black screen